Your interface continues to develop. Thanks to your feedback, we are improving the platform so that you can maintain a strong connection with your network (students-teachers-administration). As a result, new features have been added to Beecome to preserve and enhance collaboration and communication.
The formatting tool
Thanks to the formatting tool, available on the feed, you can personalize your messages and communicate more efficiently. Underline, color, number, bold, adding a link, … and many other options to discover on your Beecome feed.
Table editing
For a more simplified visualization of data, use the new “table editing” feature on the Beecome feed. Your network will have a clear and quick overview of your data, thanks to the table. Customize borders, background, dimensions, and more.


Edusign allows the dematerialized management of attendance sheets.
This solution is now integrated into Beecome’s interface, for a quick and easy management of signatures either in remote or face-to-face classes.

Skillogs is a skills manager and aggregator, and is now available on Beecome right from the dashboard.